Esta es una cancion bien paja, ademas esta facil de sacar
solo escuchenla bien!!!
INTRO: A5 - F5 - C5
A5 - F5 - G5 (3veces)
(*)luego se quedan tocando en:(A5xA5xA5xA5xA5xA5xA5xA5)
A5 C5
You had a vision about how things should be
F5 G5
Now things get rough and you turn you back on me
A5 C5
Time"s over you and you are afraid to fail
F5 G5
Open their mouths and you follow them to hell.
A5 C5
Give me a reason for you to quit
F5 G5
You have got something what to do with it
A5 C5
You choose a path and it"s not right
F5 G5
Maybe it"s because you turned off your guiding light
A5 F5 C5
Out from your shell now!
A5 F5 G5
Open your doors
A5 F5 C5
What shall be done now?
A5 F5 G5
The choice is yours
(*)y aqui otra vez se quedan en:(A5xA5xA5xA5xA5xA5xA5xA5)
VersoII :
Coro :
(*)aqui entran los acordes de el verso pero como si fuera
un corte!!!...y entra un punteo que me da pereza poner...
VersoIII:........................BREAK FREE!!!
Coro :(solo los acordes, sin letra)
Nota:Si tienen algun cambio o sugerencia, o si quieren mas
acordes de Futuro Incierto: el_5023@hotmail.com
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