Mel Agen
"Peteneras De Espana"
This flamenco guitar piece is played in 3/4 time
m i m i m i i m i m A
p p p p p
Am E Am G
Am E Am
m m m
p p p
i m i m i m
p p p p p p p p p p p p
Am 1/2 C5 1/2 C4
A m i A m i A m i
p p p
p= the thumb
a= ring finger
m= middle finger
i= index finger
You are supposed to strum every full chord in a flamenco style. There are many different types
of flamenco strumming techniques, but probably the most common way to strum the strings in a
flamenco style is to downstroke (largest to smallest strings) using first the anular, then middle,
then index fingers in rapid