2 acordes
2 tiempos
C# - D#m
(Jah guide me)
C# D#m C# D#m C# D#m
Jah guide me, Jah is the guide, Jah is the guide light
Jah guide me, Jah is the guide, Jah is the guide light
C# D#m C# D#m C# D#m
Duenño de la tierra y el cielo,leon conquistador,
C# D#m C# D#m C# D#m
dueño de la verdad y del amor, guianos
Jah guide me, Jah is the guide, Jah is the guide light
Jah guide me, Jah is the guide, Jah is the guide light
Señor, tus nos salvaste de la opresion,
y nos enseñaste a ver lo bueno de vivir.
Dueño de la verdad y del amor, guianos.
Jah guide me, Jah is the guide, Jah is the guide light
Jah guide me, Jah is the guide, Jah is the guide light
Jah guide me, Jah is the guide, Jah is the guide light
Jah guide me, Jah is the guide, Jah is the guide light
Señor, tus nos salvaste de la opresion,
y nos enseñaste a ver lo bueno de vivir.
Dueño de la verdad y del amor, guianos.
Jah guide me, Jah is the guide,
Jah guide me, Jah is the guide,
Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah aah!
me despido
a ver cuando viene marian para uruguayyy
saludos luli! grax por la buena onda