Verse 1:
Asus2 D/F# Gadd9
As I fix my eyes on You
Asus2 D/F# Gadd9
The Author and Perfector who
Asus2 D/F# Gadd9
endured the cross, scorning it's shame
Asus2 D/F# Gadd9
That I might be named with the name of names
A D/F# F#/E G D
More of You in my life
A D/F# F#/E G D
To run this race with You Jesus Christ
A D/F# F#/E G D
More of You in my life
A D/F# F#/E G D
Embracing all Your sacrifice
Verse 2:
Asus2 D/F# Gadd9
There's A crowd all around me
Asus2 D/F# Gadd9
That bids me to run this race
Asus2 D/F# Gadd9
Throwing off all that hinders me
Asus2 D/F# Gadd9
Running hard 'till I see Your face
G D/F# A
Now I'm not running without aim
G D/F# A
Like A man just punching air
G D/F# A
So I beat my body making it my slave
G D A (back to main progression)
That I might finish this great race